Home Estate Sales and Events Fairfax estate sale company thanks you!

Fairfax estate sale company thanks you!

by Christopher Lancette
Published: Updated:

We miss you, McLean!

Fairfax estate sale company update: On behalf of our entire team here at your favorite anti-snotty estate sale firm, we would like to thank everyone who made last weekend’s McLean VA estate sale a tremendous success.  We miss you already. Turnout was massive and our client is thrilled that you all cleared his house for him!

At the risk of cuing up Academy Awards music, we would especially like to thank the exceptionally patient people who arrived long before the sale started, got numbers and waited in line to get in. We would like to thank the people who packed the jewelry room and made all that glitters disappear — and the great Fairfax County police officers who protected it. We thank the shoppers who took time to teach us something about items we were not that familiar with. We thank all the people who attended both days and brought family and friends the second day. And how about the amazing parents who brought their even more amazing kids and taught them lessons about bargaining, history and more! [We’re getting escorted away from the microphone now.] Thanks to all the new people who signed up for this newsletter …

Need a Fairfax estate sale company, or an estate sale anywhere in Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. or Maryland? We’re here to help. Contact Orion’s Attic today.

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